Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wing Night

It had never worked out before. But whatever, like that's about to stop us. We were in the usual spots. Usual mood. Typical work day. Break time always seemed so short.

"At least we have something to do with our day." said Marissa. "When I get home I basically sit on the couch until its time to go to sleep. I'm pretty sure that's what my whole day would be like without this job."

We all give non-comittal half-nods. It's funny how we all act super tired at work. It's not like just standing in one spot is all that draining. Plus we get special mats to stand on. Yipee. Mostly we ast tired during break. Most of work is actually made up of everyone waiting for the next break. When you're packing cucumbers you can't help but think about when you can stop. We keep coming back to work though. We all need the money.

"Lets do things," said Marissa. We waited. Somehow we all knew that this wasn't all. Sure enough: "You know, like watching movies together or going out to eat. Give us something to look forward to after work." The nods are slightly more than non-commital, but I'm really catching on here.

There are only a handful of us here, the college students getting some money for education between semesters. Most people here are as far as they will ever get, ya know? They're kinda stuck for life. 'Motivation to go to college' as my dad tells me. Anyway, we kind of stick together, us educated kids. Maybe because we are all the same age. We all sit at the same table at break and eat. We don't really talk. I mean little stuff, but nothing worth mentioning. Except I guess this conversation.

"Yes," I said. "Tonight is wing night at Native New Yorker. Let's do that" It seemed like people from our work group were going to wing night practically every week, so I figured that everyone would jump on the idea, but
"I have an online class," Alisha announced right away. Scott was busy, Jake wasn't at work that day, but Jared was game. Marissa shot me a look. "I'll text people" I said.

The responses were mixed, but we got at least three more yeses. That was enough. Wing night was on.

4:30- work ended, and of course we practiacally crawl out the door, we're all so tired. I was so excited. "Wing Night! Seven o'clock" I shouted through the front door when I got home. Why hadn't I ever gone to wing night before with my co-workers?  Something always came up, I guess. This was going to be the best.
Bam. My phone buzzes. Text from Marissa- Hey I can't give you a ride tonight. We are having an unexpected family visit tonight. I'm not going.

Haha. That's what I said back. Didn't mean it. So I shot out a text to the 'yeses' to see if anyone can give me a ride. I was real subtle. I said 'Who is still going to wing night? We are taking a headcount.'
emily- sorry can't make it after all
hailey- got called in to work. sorry
alyssa- nah I can't come. Thanks though
delsy didn't actually text me back.

Ha. cause this had never happened before. Wing night always worked out perfectly for everyone. Just not me. I could never seem to make it. Other than that though.
So, what? No wing night. I had planned something and it flopped. I wasn't to wing night after all.
I texted Marissa- The whole world doesn't want me to go to wing night.
her reply- Haha. We'll plan better next time.

I wanted to tell her not to bother, but I just couldn't. It wasn't just the lack of planning. Things worked out anyway, sometimes. Whatever, wing night had never worked out before.

People tried to comfort me, but it's not like I was all that upset. I had just acted really excited for it. Lance vowed we would go next week. I wanted to tell him not to bother.

Mom was setting to places at the table. Her and Lance. They were leaving early for a hair appointment.
Lance- "unless I am working that day"
Dad- "honey don't you think we should eat as a family.
Mom- Lance and I are leaving here in about two minutes. We are already late.
Lance- I could just trade with some one I guess
Dad- We can get everone here and ready to eat. We need to eat as a family
Mom- (on the phone)
Lance- I'm writing it on the calender
Dad- Kids come to the kitchen! It's time for dinner.
Mom- (walks away from the kitchen. still on the phone)
Lance- (staring at his food)
Dad- the boys are taking the dog on a walk, but if Mom and Lance are going to start eating we might as well get everone who is around together to eat.
Mom- (snaps phone shut) Lance lets go
Lance & Mom- leave
I went upstairs. Dinner didn't seem to be coming anytime soon

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


In situations like this, Charles had the habit of pretending the room was filling up with water. It seemed to seep through the floor, collecting in puddles among the white tiles.  It rained from the ceiling and spurted through the cracks of the walls steadily. The magazines in loose piles on the table grew damp as water streamed out of their pages. He did nothing; it was like a game, trying to act normal in such unusual circumstances. Geysers erupted out of the seats of the empty chairs spraying water on everything that was still dry. He had to remind himself to breathe normally and not look so tense. It wasn’t real; this water that splashed on one of his finer suits, and besides it was barely a few inches deep. Someone would take care of it before it became much trouble. He eyed the receptionist (whose fountain pen was acting like a hose) as she talked on the phone, (which was acting like a sprinkler); water was coming out of her mouth in foamy bursts.  His thoughts came in commands now: Close eyes, Deep breath, Tap fingers in agitation. Even then he could not block out the sound of water as it sprang into existence and landed on the linoleum floor. He could feel it climbing up his legs. Opening his eyes, Charles could see water cascading off the receptionist’s desk and the windows were now shooting gallons of water into the room. He found it funny that he had never come up with a source for the water. He looked down in time to watch the water swallow his lap. He wanted to shut his eyes, and cover his ears and scream, and it took time to regain control of himself. The urge returned again about the time the water hit his chest; about the time he could hear footsteps coming down the hall. Water was coming out of his own eyes now. When the doctor threw the doors open and came into the room it had the effect of breaking a dam. A great wall of water came at him, clawing at his lips, forcing itself down his throat. The taste was salty; bitter. There was no longer air. He could not contain himself. He was drowning. He sobbed and gasped as the doctor told him the news he has already guessed. Then the water consumed him.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I love people. You may not be able to tell this by being around me. In fact most people view me as cripplingly shy. Instead of shy i like to think of myself as an observer. Before i talk to almost anyone i like to observe who they are and what they are all about. And where i fit in in relationship to them. Then we can get going. Also i do not talk in group conversations. It just doesn't fly.

Even at my house sometimes i will just sit on the couch and watch the daily happenings. I love to just be around someone and feel their presence. I feel like i have a knack for feeling who people really are and enjoying them for who they are (and not just because of energy profiling ya'll).

You know who i LOVE? those people with the radiant, shining personalities. You know? As soon as one of these people walk in to a room it just lights up and, for me at least, suddenly its all about them. There is just this rich, warmth and light about the radiant people. I don't know if you get what i'm talking about. Its those people who can cheer you up on the worst days just by smiling at you. Its those people you miss the most when they are not around. Its those people you would give anything to hear laugh if you are feeling down. If one of these radiant people are talking i could just sit there and bask in it forever, you know? Probably not.

So i am probably going to have to marry someone with a radiant, warm personality like that, and let me tell you they are one in a million. But i love pretty much anybody that i have ever gotten to know. I just wish i could spend time with the people i love for pretty much ever. Not even talking or anything, just being there with 'em. There is something about being with a real person. Not on the phone, not on chat or via skype or text. We're talking legit people. I love 'em so much!!! <3

Friday, June 10, 2011

Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir

Its Fabuluous!! and here's whats what: Some girl uploaded herself singing a song by Eric Whitacre to Youtube and Eric saw it and thought "What if we got a lot of people to do this?" Then he did. Because he is Eric Whitacre and also Amazing. The first go round was about 180 people strong and got a lot of attention. So Whitacre thought big. In virtual Choir 2.0 there are over 2000 singers (including me) My experience in this choir has been amazing!!! I get to sing with people from all over the world. And the video is inspiring Check it:
so when I heard that this was going down I WAS SO PSYCHED!! I had to be part of it. I started to learn the music, but it wasn't that easy practicing by myself. Recording was almost impossible. My webcam was horrible quality. I cannot even tell you how many times i tried to record and submit my video from the time it was announced to the final date to submit (september thru December of 2010) i got a digital camera for Christmas and decided that could be good for recording, but things were still not gelling. I thought it wouldn't be so bad if i wasn't a part of Virtual choir 2.0 after all. Then i saw a vid on Eric's blog.

The video was nine year old Georgie from the UK singing the first soprano part as her submission to the VC. I was so amazed and inspired that i recorded and uploaded my video singing Tenor I that very day. No matter how imperfect it was i knew the deadline was only a few days away and i was going to be a part of this thing. I also recorded my brother singing Baritone and uploaded the vid.

Then Whitacre announced that the deadline would be extended due to the bad weather (which didn't make a whole lot of sense) but that was cool because my brother's high school choir was learning sleep and i was able to help five members of the choir be a part of this endeavor. Also it gave me time to learn the second tenor part and upload that too. So thats the story . pretty exctiting stuff if you ask me.