Saturday, April 30, 2011

My revelation

i wish that i got the concept of a blog when i had started blogging. It would have been amazing to have chronicled my semester this way. So i will start by chronicling today. It was the final performance of Spring Sing and after crying so much last night i was expecting today to be much more emotional. That's not at all what happened. In fact it was during the Accapella choir's segment that i had the revelation to create this blog.

i went in immediate auto-pilot. The idea for the perfect blog had been somehow dropped into my head and i was not about to let it out. i thought it out and let it encompass me. i don't even remeber performing two or three of the songs i was so engrossed in the idea. I came around just before we sang 'How can I Keep From Singing?' and i know this about to sound really stupid, but in my head i imagined that i was saying something like 'how can i keep from writing?' and suddenly the song made so much sense and i had this revelation and conformation that i was doing it right; that i was supposed to be an english major and if i really keep after it i will find everything i want out of it. It was such an incredible, warm feeling. Like everything i had done, right or wrong, had gotten me to be who i was in that moment and in that moment i was on my way to becoming exactly what i wanted to become and what God wanted me to become. What a pawerful experience. It was one i will not soon forget, and i hope that i can continue feeling that way about myself as i prgress through life.

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